معنى كلمة period بالعربي

شخص غير معجب. طلب البحث متطابق مع محتوى داخل الكتابHistory of the Arab Maghreb in the Islamic Period أ.د. عبد الرحمن العزاوي, دار الخليج للنشر والتوزيع. أما سكان (المغرب القديم) فكانوا يسمون (أمازيغ)" وهي كلمة (بربرية) معناها (الرجل الحر الخشن). أما كلمة (بربر) التي أطلقت على سكانه، فهي ... noun as adjective: Describes another noun--for example, boat race, dog food . معنى كرينج او كرنج : اي فعل يجعل الشخص يشعر بالعار..بالخزي..أو يرغب في أن يقذف بمحدثة من على أعلى شرفة لأنه مختل تماماً حيث أن كرينجيّ، من الجذر كرنج، كرنج يكرنج كرنجة، والفاعل . يبدو أنها تعرف معنى "كلمة "غريب. The quality of true love is not selfish. // Correctly? iron n as adj. etc) to excess- strain too much or too hard- give too heavy a task to- make excessive demands on (a person's strength etc)- exhaust or wear out (especially an invalid etc)- gradually weaken somebody or something- tighten, tense, overstrain- make or grow weary or exhaust the patience or interest of ; bore .- exhaust ; weary ; fag.- make or grow weary(2924:93) assommer ( t: Verbe;d: sentiments et �motions ) : frapper d'un coup qui �tourdit����� �����:- ������- ������ ������� , ������������� ��������:- fell- strick or knock down- make (a person) unconsciously by a blow on the head- throw down(2925:94) assommeur ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : personne qui assomme����� �����:- �����- ��� ���� ��������������� ��������:- homicide- a person who kills a human being- killer, especially one who kills an important or famous person- person who commits the crime of killing- person who murders- having a very harmful effect(2926:95) assommoir ( t: Nom;d: nourriture et boissons ) : d�bit de boissons de derni�re cat�gorie����� �����:- ��������� ������������� ��������:- notorious bar(2927:96) assomption ( t: Nom;d: religion ) : le jour o� l'�glise c�l�bre l'�l�vation����� �����:- ���� ������ ���������������� ��������:- the taking of the Virgin Mary into Heaven in bodily form; festival on 15 August celebrating this(2928:97) assomption ( t: Nom;d: religion ) : �l�vation de la Vierge au ciel apr�s sa mort����� �����:- ���������� ����������� ����� �������������� ��������:- assomption- the assomption(2929:98) assonance ( t: Nom;d: litt�rature et po�sie ) : r�p�tition de la voyelle accentu�e ; rime r�duite � l'identit� de la derni�re voyelle accentu�e����� �����:- ���������- ��������� , ������� ����������� ��������:- assonance- rhyme that depends on the similarity between the vowel sounds only or the consonant sounds only of two words or syllables- sameness of sound between words or syllables, especially the endings of lines of verse- sameness of sound between words or syllables, especially the endings lines of verse(2930:99) assorti ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : qui est en accord����� �����:- ����������- ��������������� ��������:- twin- forming, or being one of, such a pair ,- harmonious; consistent- in harmony with- consistent; harmonious; in accord; approving; complying; consenting- similar; related- having the same source or origin;having much in common- coinciding;occuring together in space or time or harmonious- in agreement ;harmonious or happening together- in the nature of or resulting from a coincidence or happening or existing at the same time- occuring together in space or time or harmonious- similar to something else in size,number,quality,etc so that you can make a comparison- (of ideas,arguments,etc) suited (to),in accord(with),able to exist together (with)- agreeing;harmonious- in agreement;consistent,submissive,obedient- in agreement;consistent or identical- similar;identical- member of the same class or kind with another- harmonious;in agreement,consistent- fitting ; proper,harmonious- (of a person,his behaviour,etc)conforming to a regular pattern;regular- person or thing equal in rank or importance- harmonious; agreeing; similar- harmonious; agreeing; similar- person or thing exactly like, or closely corrosponding to, another- having the same size,amount,etc as something else- of the same kind- consisting of parts all of the same kind- agreeing in every detail- counterpart; equal; similar person or thing- in agreement with- one who is equal to another- instance of likeness or similarity- like or similar to (somebody or something)- look alike- alike; comparable; identical- ( of a design, etc ) having two halves which are the same in size and shape- similar,identical- the exact counterpart of a person or thing . قاموس انجليزي عربي 4000 كلمة. معنى delivered. ما معنى كلمة نغل - ما معنى كلمة نغل في اللغة العربية المعجم الوسيط عن معاني نغل، شو معنى كلمة نغل، من اجل ان تصل كافة المعلومات بشكل صحيح الى عقل الشخص الذي يقوم بالقراءة والتي سوف تساعد المواطن على معرفة الطريقة . (2817:18) asphyxie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : �tat de manque d'oxyg�ne����� �����:- ����������- ���������� ���������������� ��������:- asphyxia- defective aeration of blood; lack of air in the lungs- state of having asphyxia; suffocation- strangling or suffocation- choking or killing by stopping the breath(2818:19) asphyxier ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : causer l'asphyxie����� �����:- ������- ����������� ��������:- asphyxiate- kill by asphyxia; suffocate- to be unable to breathe because of something in the windpipe,or because of emotion or to stop the breathing of- to stop the breathing of ,by pressing the windpipe from outside- strangle or hang- strangle; suffocate- squeeze the wind neck so as to kill- choke or strangle ; suffocate . - person who is very immoral. لا زال النقد الأدبي في الأندلس بحاجة إلى دراسات مستفيضة وبحوث معمقة فليست هناك كتب جامعة لما عرف عند الأندلسيين من بحوث نقدية ... هل تريد معرفة معنى هزال؟ هذه الصفحة لمعرفة معنى وتعريف الكلمة والمقصود من كلمة هزال بالاضافة لبعض المفردات المرادفة مع الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية. معنى كلمة Alarm بالعربي مع تعريفها ومثال عليها وطريقة نقطها الصحيح. (2938:107) assourdir ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : �touffer la voix����� �����:- ������ �������������� ��������:- muffle- to make a sound less loud and clear(2939:108) assourdir ( t: Verbe;d: sons ) : rendre comme sourd����� �����:- �������- ��������� ������������ ��������:- muffle(2940:109) assourdissant ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : qui assourdit����� �����:- ������� �������������� ��������:- deafening- so loud that makes you not hearing anything else- very loud ,shrill(2941:110) assourdissement ( t: Nom;d: sons ) : action d'assourdir����� �����:- ��������- ������ ����������� ��������:- earsplitting(2942:111) assouvir ( t: Verbe;d: sentiments et �motions ) : satisfaire une envie����� �����:- �������- ����������� ��������:- cheer- to fill with hope,gladness and comfort or to become happy or to give shouts of encouragement or joy- to make content;satisfy- make somebody glad or happy- make glad- give pleasure or satisfaction to somebody- make someone happy- seek to satisfy ; conciliate .- fulfil a need or desire(2943:112) assu�tude ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : toxicomanie {assu�tude}����� �����:- �������� ������������ ��������:- satisfy(2944:113) assujetti ( t: Adjectif;d: non th�matique ) : atach�; fix������ �����:- ��������- �������� , �������� , ������������� ��������:- centered- concentrated or localized- being put in a place- with out moving , riged; of a gaze, etc. طلب البحث متطابق مع محتوى داخل الكتابمعجم مصطلحات علم الكمبيوتر : عربي- انكليزي- فرنسي E. W. Haddad. period période durée duration time retention period temps période de rétention délai d'attente durée de compilation durée d'exécution durée de cycle مدة ، فترة مدة ، بقاء ... . طلب البحث متطابق مع محتوى داخل الكتابCircumstance ظرفئة It is a meaning given to the following letters : Since , whenever , if , up to , or , B , on , about , in , L , since ... I will reward you whenever you come back . ... Everything is going on for a definite period . Governments have not been able to overcome the economic cycle of boom and bust. طلب البحث متطابق مع محتوى داخل الكتابإنجليزي - عربي صدقي، محمد كمال. ARCADIUS ( BYZ . EMP . ) ... حرفيا فترة البداية التي تليها فترات أخرى أكثر تقدما ويحدد هذا عالم الآثار - أثاري ( اركيولوجي ) ( .ARCHAEOLOGIST ( GR العصر بالنسبة للفن ... فيكون معنى الاسم وصف القديم . سيكون موضوع مقالتنا لليوم هو قاعدة during وكيف نضعها في جمل مفيدة. معنى كلمة كرنج. c++ - واسابي - معنى كلمة wasabi بالعربى . You can complete the translation of معنى "كلمة given by the Arabic-English dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, Arabic-English dictionary : translate Arabic words into English with online dictionaries. معنى كلمة delivered الكترونيا : وهي تعني تم التوصيل وتأتي هذه الكلمة بجانب الايقونات في التطبيقات والمواقع الإلكترونية التجارية للمنتج الذي قام العميل بالطلب ليتم الحديث عن إنتهاء الطلب وتم توصيله للزبون . معنى كلمة Disappointed بالعربي ترجمات رئيسية: الإنجليزية: العربية: disappointed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, 'a tall girl,' 'an interesting book,' 'a big house.' (dissatisfied, discontent) حزين، مُحبط : خائب الظّن : She was disappointed to learn that her friend was not coming back. alcoholic liquor)- drinking in one or more small amounts or by spoonfuls- taking up; suction; soaking up(2827:28) aspiration ( t: Nom;d: sentiments et �motions ) : �lan vers un id�al����� �����:- ��������� ( ����� )����� ��������:- ambition- strong desire to achieve something, or the object of this desire- feeling or intense desire- expecting; yearning for- having a strong emotional longing; being filled with compassion or tenderness; earnest desire and longing; ambitious person(2828:29) aspir� ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : �mis en soufflant de l'air����� �����:- �������� ������� ������������� ��������:- yearning(2829:30) aspirer ( t: Verbe;d: biologie ) : faire entrer l'air dans les poumons����� �����:- ������������- ����� , ��������� , �������������� ��������:- inspire- inhale, sniff, snuff- take air into the lungs- inspire, breathe in- perceive the smell of; discover by smell- perceive the small of; examine by smell- draw up air audibly through the nosedraw up air audibly through the nose- inhale; sniff; smell(2830:31) aspirer ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : attirer une substance en cr�ant un vide����� �����:- ���������- ��������������� ��������:- absorb- take something in; suck up- drink (esp. اضغط على السماعة بجانب الكلمة او المثال او التعريف للاستماع للجملة بالنطق الأمريكي الصحيح ; When the student misbehaved again, the teacher had a . ما معنى كلمة ثروباك throwback بالعربي والانجليزي كتب admin في السعودية آخر تحديث منذ أسبوعين منذ أسبوعين إذا كنت تريد التخلص من الفوضى التي تحتاجها ، فهذه فوضى يمكنك استخدامها للتخلص من الفوضى . Intensive deforestation can cause problems with the hydrologic cycle. - showing strong sexual desire. welcome Type: interjection - Domain: non-thematic expressing such a greeting. معنى كلمة ديجيتال ما معنى digital بالعربي ، نظام الديجيتال يعتبر نظام بيانات رقمية، ويتم استخدام هذا المصطلح غالبا للاجهزة والمعدات الالكترونية، وكلمة ديجيتال متداولة في حياتنا يمكن سماعها في أكثر من مكان، تخص بعض . The students learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. Put the clothes in the washer, pick a cycle and press the button - it's not difficult. that one receives with pleasure; cordially allowed or invited; released of obligation; gladly given. Wagner's "Ring Cycle" consists of 4 very long operas. reports a minimum hardware period of 3ms and audio engine period of 10ms. ما معنى كلمة كرنج بالعربي، اللغة العربية من أجمل اللغات التي تتواجد على هذا الكوكب، فهي من اللغات السامية والتي تتواجد منذ القدم والإجمل من ذلك أنها لغة القرأن الكريم والعبادات والشعائر التي يقوم المسلم بالعمل بها . طلب البحث متطابق مع محتوى داخل الكتابCalamity A noble race of Arab horses harsh words to ; upbraid , reproach ( a with vehemence , violence ; enter upon it without knowledge or skill . Dislike , abhor ; abandon ج عنق عنقا • -ر أعنق م العنقاء معني ج معانق و به -Roughness ... "اوفر over" هي من حروف الجر في اللغة العربية، ولها عدة معاني سنذكرها لكم في هذا المقال، سواء كلمة اوفر over منفردة، أو عندما تلحق بكلمات أخرى كما سنرى. 1 إجابة واحدة. a business)- to undertake or bear or be responsible for something(2953:122) assurable ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : assurable����� �����:- ������ �������� ����������� ��������:- insurable- able to be insured(2954:123) assurance ( t: Nom;d: commerce et affaires ) : garantie accord�e � un assureur����� �����:- ��������- ����������� ��������:- assurance- insurance, especially on somebody's life- mortgage; pledge- securiry pledged as a gurantee(for repayment of a loan)- agreement in which money is lent by a building society, bank, etc for buying a house or other property, the property being the security- guaranty; warrant; protection- guarantee; warrant- assurance- claim on (property) as a security for payment of a debt or loan or the amount of money you owe on a mortgage- making pledge- a money given as a guarantee- undertaking as to ownership or quality of a thing sold, hired, etc, accepting responsibility for defects or liability for repairs needed for some time(2955:124) assurance ( t: Nom;d: sentiments et �motions ) : sentiment de certitude����� �����:- �����- ����������� ��������:- assurance- confident belief in one's own abilities and powers; statement expressing certainty about something; promise- state of being cpmpletely certain or something that is certain- certainty;state of being perfectly certain of something- (act of) having trust in, or feeling of relience or certainty- complete trust or confidence- confidence or trust in someone or something; dependence on someone or something- a firm belief in the reliability of a person or thing .- act of convincing or bringing certainty to the mind(2956:125) assur� ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : plein d'asurance ; ferme����� �����:- ����- ����� , ���������� ��������:- tough- (of a person) able to endure hardship or acting sternly ; hard or violent.- firm; steadfast; unwavering- tough; strict; unhesitating- severe, intensifying or exact- resolute or intense- strong-willed; unwavering- not wavering; unflinching; hardhanded(2957:126) assur� ( t: Nom;d: commerce et affaires ) : personne garantie par un contrat d'assurance����� �����:- �������� , �������� ������������������ ��������:- covered- sheltered; protected; insured- made certain- ensured; warranted- assured, secured(2958:127) assurer ( t: Verbe;d: �conomie et finances ) : donner comme s�r����� �����:- ��������- ������� , ������������ ��������:- affirm- state something as the truth; assert something or make a solemn declaration in court- to make or become solid or strong- to give support or certainty to- show clearly by giving proofs or examples- make firm or stable; fasten, secure- wright down ( facts or events ) for later use or reference- establish the truth or correctness of by examination or demonstration, (of law) append an affidavit to pleadings(2959:128) assurer ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : prot�ger����� �����:- �����- ������ ���� , ���������� ��������:- defend- guard :protect:make safe ,to speak in support of- keep someone or something safe from harm(2960:129) assurer ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : garantir����� �����:- ������- ������������ ��������:- insure- guarantee, ensure(2961:130) assureur ( t: Nom;d: commerce et affaires ) : celui qui assure par contrat d'assurance����� �����:- �����- ������������� ��������:- assurer- someone whose life is insured, or who guarantees something- assurer- insurer; assurer(2/218), (���� ��� �������� ��� ���� �������� ������� ��� ��������). إنّك لا تعرف حتّى معنى"كلمة "متقلّب المزاج. (2713:2) art ( t: Nom;d: arts ) : moyen habile de faire qqch����� �����:- �������- ��������� �� ������������ ��������:- artfulness- the state of being clever- proficiency, skillfulness- cunning; trickery; skill in deceiving- cunning; trickery; skill in deceiving- skilled workmanship- subtel or delicate manipulation- skill at performing some special task- knowledge or skill in an activity- the degree of skill in doing a task or of finish in the product made; a thing made or created by a specified person, etc- cleverness , intelligence- fluency, dexterity, aptitude- skill or ability involved in doing or making something- skill in doing something or in social arts(2714:3) artefact ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : ph�nom�ne rencontr� au cours d'une observation����� �����:- ������ ������ ��������������� ��������:- accomplishment(2715:4) artel ( t: Nom;d: politique ) : association volontaire de travailleurs����� �����:- �������������- ������������� , ������� ��� ����������� ��� ��������������� ��������:- cooperative- cooperative society ,farm or business(2716:5) art�re ( t: Nom;d: corps humain ) : vaisseau qui porte le sang du coeur����� �����:- �������- ������� , ������� : �������� ������� ������� ��� �������� ����� ������������� ��������:- artery- one of the tubes that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body(2717:6) art�riectomie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : ablation chirurgicale d'un segment d'art�re����� �����:- ����� ������������� ��������:- artery(2718:7) art�riel ( t: Adjectif;d: biologie ) : qui a rapport aux art�res����� �����:- ����������- ����������� , ����������� : ��� �������� ������������������� ��������:- arterial- involving the arteries(2719:8) art�rioscl�rose ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : durcissement des art�res����� �����:- ��������� ����������� , ��������� ��������������� ��������:- arteriosclerosis- hardening of the walls of arteries, which stops the flowing of blood through them- hardness of arteries(2720:9) art�riotomie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : incision chirurgicale de la paroi d'une art�re����� �����:- ����� ������������� ��������:- atherosclerosis(2721:10) art�rite ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : inflammation d'une art�re����� �����:- ���������� ���������������� ��������:- arteritis- inflammation of arteries- the inflamation of arteries(2722:11) art�sien ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : forage qui donne une eau jaillissant naturellement����� �����:- �������������- ���� �������� ��� ����� ���� �������� ����� ����������� ���� ������ ������ ����� ����� ������������� ��������:- artesian- type of wells- a well from which the water is forced up out of the ground by natural pressure(2723:12) arthrite ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : maladie rhumatismale����� �����:- �������- ���������� ��������������� ��������:- arthritis- inflammation of joint- a disease with inflammation of the smaller joints- any of several diseases causing pains, stiffinessand inflamation in the muscles and joints(2724:13) arthropodes ( t: Nom;d: biologie ) : embranchement d'invert�br�s����� �����:- �������������- �������� ��� ������������� ������ ���������������� ��������:- Arthropoda- the largest animal phylum, comprising insects, arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods, trilobites, having jointed limbs and skeleton(2725:14) artichaut ( t: Nom;d: nourriture et boissons ) : plante cultiv�e pour ses t�tes����� �����:- ��������- ������� , �������� ( ������ ���� ���������� �������������)����� ��������:- artichoke- a plant with thick pointed leaves and a root like potato that can be eaten(2726:15) article ( t: Nom;d: commerce et affaires ) : tout objet de commerce����� �����:- �������- ��� �������� ���� ���� ����� ������������������ ��������:- commodity- useful thing , especially an article of trade- merchandise or property or belongings- things of the same kind, made usually for sale; articles for sale(2727:16) article ( t: Nom;d: journalisme et imprimerie ) : �crit formant un tout distinct dans un journal����� �����:- ������- ����� , ������������� ��������:- article- a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper, magazine, etc- a piece of writing,short,in prose and on one subject- long speech or piece of writing- a written or published account; a review(2728:17) article ( t: Nom;d: linguistique ) : d�terminant du nom����� �����:- (����)����� ��������:- is "the" in English(2729:18) article ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : partie d'un texte����� �����:- �����- ������ , ������������ ��������:- section- a subdivision of a book- single statement in a treaty,law,bill,or contract- unit, term, provision- adistinct section of a written text- conditions or stipulations; proviso; item.- part of a law or legal agreement, especially a numbered part(2730:19) articulaire ( t: Adjectif;d: biologie ) : relatif aux articulations����� �����:- ����������- ����������� �������������� ��������:- articular- of the joints(2731:20) articulation ( t: Nom;d: corps humain ) : jonction entre deux os����� �����:- ������- ������� , ��������� ���� ��������� ��� ������������� ��������:- articulation- a joint, especially in a plant- a structure in an animal body by which two bones are fitted together- bone at the finger-joint(2732:21) articulation ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : action d'articuler les sons d'une langue����� �����:- ������� ��� ������ ���������� ��������:- knuckle(2733:22) articulatoire ( t: Adjectif;d: non th�matique ) : qui concerne l'articulation des sons����� �����:- ��������- ������������� ��������:- phonetic- related to sound- relating to sound- relating to pronounciation- of or concerning pronunciation(2734:23) articul� ( t: Adjectif;d: biologie ) : qui comporte une articulation����� �����:- ����������- ���������� : ��������� , ��� ������������� ��������:- jointed- with joints(2735:24) articul� ( t: Adjectif;d: sons ) : �nonc� nettement����� �����:- �������� ������������� ��������:- jointed(2736:25) articuler ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : faire l'articulation����� �����:- ����� �������������� ��������:- jointed(2737:26) articuler ( t: Verbe;d: sons ) : prononcer distinctement����� �����:- ����� ������������� ��������:- jointed(2738:27) artifice ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : moyen habile����� �����:- ��������- ������������� ��������:- artfulness- the state of being clever- proficiency, skillfulness- skill; proficiency;ability; ingenuity- state of being smart or cunning- skilled workmanship- the ability to very quick and skilfull with hands- subtel or delicate manipulation- knowledge or skill in an activity- skill; proficiency; cunning- the quality or state of being smart- the degree of skill in doing a task or of finish in the product made; a thing made or created by a specified person, etc- skill; cleverness- adroitness in dealing with others or with difficulties arising from personal feeling(2739:28) artifice ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : ruse; tromperie; subterfuge����� �����:- ����������- ����������� ��������:- cabal- plot; conspiracy- ambuscade, trap- the use of clever tricks, or a clever trick used to deceive others- act of plotting or conspiring;plan made by conspiring- a difficult situation or relationship that is hard to escape from- a dodge or trick- a plot; a conspiracy to make an innocent person appear guilty- criminal deception; a dishonest trick- a snare or trap- a humorous deception; a practical joke- a trick; a fraud- trick or artifice- a playful trick- (instance of) dishonet, unprincipled or mischievous behaviour- a stratagem or trick- trick; artifice- a deceit, deception- ploy ; fraud ; ruse ; deception .- prank ; waggery .- deception ; swindle ; fraud .- a stratagem; a trick or cunning procedure- clever trick or pitfall- a complete structure or connected series; a snare or trap(2740:29) artificiel ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : produit par une technique humaine����� �����:- ������������- ��������� , ������������� , ������ �������������� ��������:- artificial- not real or natural or part of a natural process; deliberately made; made by art; manufactured; fake; not sincere- manufatured or used as an alternative- structural or artificial- not natural or normal or contrary to usually and generally accepted behaviour or artificial- artificial, not natural(2741:30) artificiellement ( t: Adverbe;d: non th�matique ) : de fa�on artificielle����� �����:- ��������������� ��������:- stagily- affectedly; artificially(2742:31) artificieusement ( t: Adverbe;d: non th�matique ) : avec ruse����� �����:- ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������� ������� ���������������� ��������:- craftily- skillfully; wittily(2743:32) artificieux ( t: Adjectif;d: non th�matique ) : rus�, hypocrite����� �����:- �������- �������� , ������������� ��������:- tergiversator- equivocator; prevaricator ; quibbler.- a deceitful person- person who wins money from a person at cards etc, especially by swindling- person who pretends to have special skills or knowledge- act of deceiving or dishonest trick or person who uses deception- person who uses deception to win an advantage or profit- specious;plausible- full of craft or cunning; fraud- someone who tells lies,misleading- a person who tells lies or misleads- seeming to be something but it is not in fact- intended to cheat,deceive and mislead- trickey;deceiving- unclear,mysterious etc in his words and actions- indirect and not straight forward- a thing or a person that is not genuine- a thing or a person that is not genuine- deceptive; misleading; misguiding- guilty of fraud; intending to deceive- deceiver; imposter- hypocrite, double-faced- often deceiving people; dishonest- not using the shortest or most direct route, form of words, etc- swindler; trickster- swindler ; sleeker .- knavish ; crafty ; sly .- a deceiver or rogue .- trickish ; deceitful .- attractive or tempting(2744:33) artillerie ( t: Nom;d: termes militaires ) : mat�riel de guerre����� �����:- ������������- ����������� ���� ����������� �� ������ ���������� ��������:- cannonry- act of bombing,cannonading,shelling,etc or artillery (group of the army)(2745:34) artillerie ( t: Nom;d: termes militaires ) : partie de l'arm�e����� �����:- ������ ������������������� ��������:- artillery- large guns on wheels or fixed in one place; or the part of the army using such a weapon(2746:35) artilleur ( t: Nom;d: grades militaires ) : militaire appartenant � l'artillerie����� �����:- ����������- ��������� �� ������ ������������������� ��������:- artilleryman- one belonging to the artillery; gunner- (in an artillery regiment) non-commissioned officer below a sergeant- soldier in the army whose job is to use the cannons or heavy guns- soldier in the army whose job is to use the cannons or heavy guns- an artillery soldier(2747:36) artimon ( t: Nom;d: marine ) : m�t � l'arri�re d'un navire����� �����:- ������ ������ ��� ����������� ������ ������� �������������� ��������:- gunner(2748:37) artisan ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : auteur, responsable de����� �����:- �����- ����� , ���������� ��������:- cause- motive or reason- impetus, momentum- momentum, impetus- incentive- that which causes someone to act- ( fact put forward as or serving as the ) cause of, motive for or justification for something- goad; motive; cause- strong desire or impulse- someone or something that causes an important change or event to happen(2749:38) artisan ( t: Nom;d: professions ) : personne qui fait un travail � son propre compte����� �����:- �������- ����������� , ������ ������������ ��������:- artificer- craftsman; mechanic- one who does skilled work with his hands; craftsman- skilled workman who practises a craft- a skilful person trained in doing certain work- a worker who has a skill or trade- a man employed to do manual labour; a person considered with regard to skill in a job(2750:39) artisanal ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : propre � l'artisan����� �����:- �������- �������� , �������� : ��������� ��� ���������� ��������:- literal- taking words in their original meaning- literatim(2751:40) artisanat ( t: Nom;d: professions ) : ensemble des artisans����� �����:- �����������- ������� ������������������� ��������:- literatim(2752:41) artisanat ( t: Nom;d: professions ) : technique de l'artisan����� �����:- ����������- ������, ����������� ��������:- literatim(2753:42) artiste ( t: Adjectif;d: arts ) : qui manifeste l'amour du beau����� �����:- ������� ������������ ��������:- aesthete- person who has or claims to have a fine appreciation of art and beauty(2754:43) artiste ( t: Nom;d: professions ) : personne qui pratique l'art����� �����:- �������- ������ ���������� �������������� ��������:- artist- one who produces art especially paintings or drawings- a person highly skilled in the technique of a fine art(2755:44) artistement ( t: Adverbe;d: arts ) : avec go�t����� �����:- ������ ����������������� ��������:- virtuoso(2756:45) artistique ( t: Adjectif;d: arts ) : pr�sent� avec art����� �����:- ������� ��������������� ��������:- well-done- (of a task, etc) performed well; (of meat, etc) thoroughly cooked(2757:46) artistique ( t: Adjectif;d: arts ) : relatif � l'art����� �����:- �������- ����� ������������� ��������:- art-- prefix including the meaning of art- connected with art; showing skill in arts; attractive and done with skill or imagination- connected with art or culture(2758:47) artistiquement ( t: Adverbe;d: arts ) : de fa�on artistique����� �����:- ������ ����������������� ��������:- artistical(2759:48) artocarpe ( t: Nom;d: plantes ) : arbre appel� arbre a pain����� �����:- ������ ��� �������� �������������� ��� ������ ������������� ��������:- artistical(2/208), (2760:1) arum ( t: Nom;d: plantes ) : plante � fleurs blanches en long cornet����� �����:- ����- ������ ���������� ���� ����������� ������������������ ��������:- arum- plant of genus including cuckoo-pint- a fleshy large fruit with hard skin- arum(2/209), (2761:1) Aryen ( t: Nom;d: peuples et races ) : type ancien de race selon les racistes����� �����:- �����- ������ ���� ����������� ������� ��� �������� ��������� ��������� ��� �������������� ��������:- Aryan- Indo-European, especially Indo-Iranian(2762:2) aryle ( t: Nom;d: chimie ) : radical carbon������ �����:- ��������- ��������� : ���������� ������� ���������� ���� ����������� ��������������� ��������:- Aryan(2763:3) arythmie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : trouble du rythme du coeur����� �����:- ���������� ��� ������������� ��������:- Aryan(2/210), (2764:1) as ( t: Nom;d: divertissement ) : cot� du d������ �����:- ������ ������������� ��������:- ace- ace(2765:2) as ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : personne qui excelle dans une activit������ �����:- �������- ���������� ��������:- courageous- brave; fearless- courageous, brave- courageous; brave; bold- red-blooded; courageous- full of courage and determination- bold; fearless- lacking modesty, insolent, impudent- brave, courageous- brave and generous- brave and generous- brave a nd confident- brave and determined- full of courage and boldnees- bold; courageous(2766:3) as ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : le num�ro un au tierc�, au loto,etc.����� �����:- ���������� ������� �� ��� ����� ������������� ��������:- spunky(2/211), (2767:1) ascaridiose ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : maladie parasitaire provoqu�e par l'ascaris����� �����:- ����� ������� ���� �������������� ��� ������� ������������� ��������:- ascariasis- disease infecting the stomach(2768:2) ascendance ( t: Nom;d: peuples et races ) : ensemble des ascendants����� �����:- �������- ����� , ���������� ��������:- lineage- lineal descent; ancestry- connected series of persons following one another in time(2769:3) ascendant ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : qui va en montant����� �����:- �����- ���������� ��������:- ascending- climbing; moving up; rising- directed onwards- going up; getting higher, increasing, advancing to maturity- moving, extending, pointing, or leading upward- ascendant point of ecliptic or degree of zodiac(2770:4) ascendant ( t: Nom;d: astronomie et espace ) : ascendant (�toile)����� �����:- �����- �� ����������� �� ( ������ �������������� )����� ��������:- auspices- omens believed by augurs to be signs of certain events in the future(2771:5) ascendant ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : influence dominante����� �����:- ��������- �������������� ��������:- grasp- mastery or control- complete power and authority- wrong , bad , corrupt or unfair use or treatment- a position of power, influence or control- despotism; autocracy; dictatorship- power to give orders and make others obey; right to act in a specific way; person or group having the power to give orders or take action- power of effective action;ability to influence someone or something- order or authority;power(to control)- power or authority to direct,order or restrain or means of regulating, restraining, keeping in order; check- the state of being dominant; control,authority- command,control; oppression,tyranny- tyranny;despotism; absolutism- authority; control over- the act or manner of governing or the office or function of governing- prevalent governing- tyranny, domineeringness- effect, impact- influence; power- spreading or control- power; supremacy; rule; dominion- a political system in which ordinary people have no power and are completely controlled by the government.- the cruel and arbitrary use of authority or a tyrannical act .- authority; government- effective control of something- controling; domination(2772:6) ascendants ( t: Nom;d: relations ) : parents dont on descend����� �����:- �������- ����� ������������ ��������:- ancestor- any of the people from whom somebody is descended, especially those more remote than his grandparents; forefather- person's ancestors- ancestor; forefather- ancestors; forefathers- an ancestor or a member of a past generation of a family or people- forefathers; ancestors- person or animal that lived along time ago- ancestor; forefather; grandfather(2773:7) ascenseur ( t: Nom;d: instruments et machines ) : appareil qui sert � monter����� �����:- �������- ������� , �������������� ��������:- elevator- a machine taking people to another level;lift- elevator or ski-lift(2774:8) ascension ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : fait d'aller vers le haut����� �����:- ���������- ������ , �������������� ��������:- altitude- height above sea-level; high level- the act of moving up or becoming more important, powerful or successful than before- act of climbing something, moving upwards or becoming more successful and powerful than before- climbing;getting up(a tree,mountain,etc) or down- climbing;getting up(a tree,mountain,etc) or down;rising in rank- the sky regarded as a vault or arch- upward movement or progress, increase in amount, increase in wages; prices, etc- the act of going up; getting higher, increasing, advancing to maturity or high standing- flying; hovering; winging- rising; lifting; ascending- very tall ot high .- climb; ascending; climbing- a hight more than usual(2775:9) ascension ( t: Nom;d: sport et passe-temps ) : �l�vation miraculeuse����� �����:- ������� ��������� ��� ������������� ��������:- elevation(2776:10) ascensionnel ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : qui tend � monter����� �����:- �����������- ��������� ��� ���������������� ��������:- cumulative- increasing or increased in amount, force, etc by successive additions; formed by successive additions- going up; getting higher, increasing, advancing to maturity(2777:11) ascensionner ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : faire une ascension����� �����:- ���������- ����������� ��������:- ascend- move up through the air; climb; lead up to a higher position- to climb slowly using your hands and feet- to get or go up(a tree,mountain,etc) or down;(of aircraft) gain height;(of plants)grow upwards with the support of tendrils,etc;rise in rank- to grow larger,fuller or more mature,orgnize- rise; ascend- ascend slowly- lift or move something to a higher level- tower up or go up- be highst in position ; overtop- excel ; overtop ; surpass ; outclass.- reach or be high or above or ( of a bird ) hover; soar .- to rise to a great height, be very tall, especially in relation to the height of the surrounding- raise or remove to a higher position; give an upward direction to(2778:12) asc�se ( t: Nom;d: religion ) : dicipline de vie����� �����:- ��������- ����� , ������������� ��������:- asceticism- practice of self-discipline, austerity, abstinence(2779:13) asc�te ( t: Nom;d: religion ) : personne qui pratique l'asc�se����� �����:- ������- ����� , ��������������� ��������:- abstemious- not taking much food or drink; not self-indulgent- not self-indulgent; abstemious- one who practises severe self-discipline, abstinence; austerity and retired into solitude for this purpose- severely abstinent; austere- religious;pious- a man of religion who is not interested in life- an early Christian recluse :any person living in solitud- having strong religious beliefs- person who lives alone and avoids other people- (adjective a person) believing in and practising a religion; devout- a recluse or hermit- devoted to worship- person who worships- hermit; ascetic; eremite(2780:14) asc�tique ( t: Adjectif;d: religion ) : propre � l'asc�se����� �����:- �����������- ���������������� ��������:- ascetic- living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons; abstinent; austere- severely abstinent; austere- severely and strictly moral; having no pleasures or comforts; severely simple; harsh; stern(2781:15) asc�tisme ( t: Nom;d: religion ) : caract�re de ce qui est conforme � l'asc�se����� �����:- ��������- �������� , ���������� ��������:- asceticism- practice of self-discipline, austerity, abstinence- the act of being reclusive(2782:16) ascorbique ( t: Adjectif;d: chimie ) : vitamine C����� �����:- ���������� �������� ��������:- reclusion(2/212), (2783:1) asdic ( t: Abr�viation;d: instruments et machines ) : appareil de d�tection����� �����:- ��������- ������ ����������� ����������� ��������� ���� ������������� ���������� �������������� ��������:- reclusion(2/213), (2784:1) aselle ( t: Nom;d: animaux marins ) : petite crustac������ �����:- �������� ������������ ��������:- reclusion(2785:2) asepsie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : absence de micro-organismes����� �����:- ��������� ��� ���������������� ��������:- asepsis- absence of putrefactive matter or harmful bacteria; aseptic method in surgery(2786:3) aseptique ( t: Adjectif;d: m�decine ) : exempt de tout germe infectieux����� �����:- �����- ������������� ��������:- abluent- pure and clean- cleansing material; disinfectant- free from putrefaction or blood poisoning; sterilized; seeking the action rather than septic matter- disciplined or made chaste- free from dirt or from wrong-doing- cleansed or made clean (by wiping)- clean or pure- clean and pure- cleansed;deterged- pure;clean;inviolate- aseptic;sterilized;pasteurized- sterilizer; antiseptic;purifier- pure, clean, taintless- aseptic or scoured- freed from impurities- possessing or showing moral rectitude, (especially of a women) chaste- refined or purified(2787:4) aseptisation ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : action d'aseptiser����� �����:- ��������- ������ ��������� ������������ ��������:- purge- empty the bowels or make pure(2788:5) aseptis� ( t: Verbe;d: m�decine ) : st�rilis� {aseptis�}����� �����:- �����- ������������� ��������:- abluent- pure and clean- cleansing material; disinfectant- free from putrefaction or blood poisoning; sterilized; seeking the action rather than septic matter- disciplined or made chaste- free from dirt or from wrong-doing- cleansed or made clean (by wiping)- clean or pure- clean and pure- cleansed;deterged- pure;clean;inviolate- aseptic;sterilized;pasteurized- sterilizer; antiseptic;purifier- pure, clean, taintless- aseptic or scoured- freed from impurities- possessing or showing moral rectitude, (especially of a women) chaste- refined or purified(2789:6) aseptiser ( t: Verbe;d: m�decine ) : rendre aseptique����� �����:- �������- �������� ������������ ��������:- antisepticize- counteract sepsis; prevent infection- punish in order to correct or make chaste- to make or become clean (of dirt )- to make clean or pure- to remove a dangerous substance affected by poison,radiation or others- remove dirt- make free from bacterial infection- rid(a person or a building ) of vermin,infesting insects- make or become finer , thinner , or less coarse ; dwindle or taper or cause to do so- to make a liquid percolate through some mterial- empty the bowels or make pure- make something pure- remove impurities from something; purify- make something or somebody free from something or somebody unpleasant or unwanted- make sterile- to free (liquids,butter,etc) from impurities- remove the impurities by means of filter(2790:7) asexu� ( t: Adjectif;d: biologie ) : qui n'a pas de sexe����� �����:- ������� ������������ ��������:- asexual- not having sexual organs, qualities, sex or an interest in sexual relations; any form of reproduction not brought about by the union of gametes(2/214), (2791:1) asialie ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : absence de la s�cr�tion de la salive����� �����:- ����������� ��������:- asexual(2792:2) asiate ( t: Adjectif;d: peuples et races ) : personne originaire d'Asie����� �����:- ������ ��� ����������� ��������:- asexual(2793:3) asiatique ( t: Adjectif;d: peuples et races ) : d'Asie����� �����:- ���������- ��������� ��� ����������� ��������:- Asian- from Asia or related to Asia- from Asia or related to Asia(2794:4) Asie ( t: Nom;d: g�ographie ) : partie du monde situ�e dans l'h�mispph�re Nord����� �����:- �����- �������� ����������� �������� ����� ����� ����� ��� 1.5 �78.5 ��� ����� ����� ������������ �������������� ��������:- Asia- continent of Northern hemisphere, Eastern part of the great land-mass formed by the Old World(2795:5) asile ( t: Nom;d: divertissement ) : endroit o� l'on peut se reposer����� �����:- ���������- ����� , ������ ���������������� ��������:- a place where people go to recover from an illness- a place useful for health(2796:6) asile ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : lieu o� l'on peut trouver refuge����� �����:- �����- ������������ ��������:- harbor- a shelter or a place of refuge or protection- shelter given by a neighbouring object- sanctuary, retreat- secure place- safe place- possible source of help, eg in an emergency- (place giving) shelter or prtection from danger,trouble, pursuit, etc- person or thing that is turned to for help; expedient- secure place- a place of refuge(2797:7) asile ( t: Nom;d: psychologie ) : h�pital psychiatrique����� �����:- �������������- ����������� ���������� ����������������� ��������:- hospital for the care of mentally ill people- hospital for the care of lunatic or mentally ill people- mental hospital(2798:8) asinien ( t: Adjectif;d: animaux ) : propre � l'�ne����� �����:- �����- ������� ���� �������������� ��������:- madhouse(2/215), (2799:1) asocial ( t: Adjectif;d: non th�matique ) : qui n'est pas adapt� � la vie sociale����� �����:- ������������������ ��������:- antisocial- opposed to principles on which society is based, or showing lack of concern for other people; unwilling to deal with people; unfriendly; unsociable(2/216), (2800:1) asparagus ( t: Nom;d: plantes ) : plante voisine de l'asperge����� �����:- ��������- ����� ������ �� ����������� �������������������� ��������:- antisocial(2801:2) aspect ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : mani�re dont qqn ou qqch se pr�sente � la vue����� �����:- �����- ������������ ��������:- air- impression given; appearance or manner- expression; image; demeanour; aspect; figure- the outward appearance or aspect- stage in a process of change- the outward or superficial appearance of something- look or appearance(2802:3) aspect ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : mani�re d'envisager une question����� �����:- �����- ������ �� ��������� �������������� ��������:- aspect- one part of a sitiuation, idea, plan, etc that has many parts, or the direction in w- a particular aspect of a thing- stage in a process of change(2803:4) asperge ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : personne grande et maigre����� �����:- ����� ������ ������������� ��������:- phase(2804:5) asperge ( t: Nom;d: nourriture et boissons ) : plante cultiv�e pour ses turions����� �����:- ��������- ����� ������ �� ����������� �������������������� ��������:- phase(2805:6) asperger ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : mouiller l�g�rement����� �����:- �����- ����� , ���������� ��������:- atomizing- showering; spraying- small hole that lets liquid, etc flow into ot out of something; the act or instance of leaking- example of gas, etc leaking, or the amount of gas, etc that has leaked- puddle or marshy pool- moisten by sprinkling- sprinkling; watering- spray or wet- sprinkling; watering- make wet or dirty by splashing- sprinkling; spraying- sprinkle, squirt, arise or flow- spraying, showering, atomization- throw liquid in- sprinkling; splattering- scatter or moisten- scattering or sprinkle- spray, emanate, spout or flow- spraying; showering(2806:7) aspergille ( t: Nom;d: plantes ) : champignon se d�veloppant sur les substances sucr�es����� �����:- �����������- ����� ������� ����� ��������� �������������� �������������������� ��������:- squirting(2807:8) aspergillose ( t: Nom;d: m�decine ) : affection tr�s rare����� �����:- ����� ������ ������ ������������������ ��������:- squirting(2808:9) asp�rit� ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : in�galit� d'une surface����� �����:- �����- ������������� ��������:- boorishness- state of being boorish; ill-manner; roughness- state of being rough or rude- the state of being gruff- the state of being impolite, uncivilized, indecent, etc- the quality of being scabrous- solidity ; firmness or severity; sternness or difficulty .- the quality of being uncivil- roughness; harshness; coarseness- coarseness; roughness(2809:10) asperme ( t: Adjectif;d: plantes ) : se dit d'un fruit qui ne produit pas de graines����� �����:- ������ �������������� ��������:- grossness(2810:11) aspersion ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : action d'asperger����� �����:- ����- ��������� ��������:- atomizing- showering; spraying- small hole that lets liquid, etc flow into ot out of something; the act or instance of leaking- example of gas, etc leaking, or the amount of gas, etc that has leaked- a sluggish flow or exudation, or an infusion of oak-bark or other vegetable matter- puddle or marshy pool- sprinkle; spray; sparge- sprinkling; spraying- moisten by sprinkling- sprinkling; watering- spray or wet- sprinkling; watering- spatter or cause to spatter- sprinkling; spraying- make wet or dirty by splashing- sprinkling; spraying- sprinkle, squirt, arise or flow- spraying, showering, atomization- throw liquid in- sprinkling; splattering- scatter or moisten- scattering or sprinkle- spray, emanate, spout or flow- spraying; showering(2811:12) asphaltage ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : action d'asphalter����� �����:- ��������- ������� ������� , ������ ��������������� ��������:- asphalting- covering with asphalt- fixing or erecting(2812:13) asphalte ( t: Nom;d: non th�matique ) : m�lange noir�tre����� �����:- ���������- ������� �������� ����� �������������� ��������:- tarmac- asphalt, asphaltum- black sticky substance like coal tar, mixed with sand or gravel for making road surfaces or roofs, waterproof, etc- another spelling for asphalt- asphalt, tar, bitumen, etc(2813:14) asphalter ( t: Verbe;d: non th�matique ) : couvrir d'asphalte����� �����:- �������- ������ ��������������� ��������:- asphalt- cover with asphalt- asphalt roads, etc with tar, etc- pitch, asphalt- to tar- to cover a surface with a tar(2814:15) asphaltier ( t: Nom;d: marine ) : navire am�nag� pour le transport de l'asphalte����� �����:- �������� ������� ������������� ��������:- tar(2815:16) asphod�le ( t: Nom;d: plantes ) : plante bulbeuse � fleurs blanches����� �����:- �������- ����� ������ ���� �������� ��������������������� ��������:- asphodel- hardy liliaceous plant from Mediterranean and India(2816:17) asphyxiant ( t: Adjectif;d: adjectifs ) : qui asphyxie����� �����:- �����- ������������ ��������:- asphyxiating- killing by asphyxia; suffocating- something suffocating- something or person that chokes or a piece of jewellery or narrow cloth that fits around the neck- tending to choke or to cause choking- tending to choke or to cause choking- tender to smoother; stifling- choking strangler- choking; choker- strangling; stifling- choking; stifling- choking; strangling- strangulating; choky- strangler; choker ; stifler .

فوائد التفاح الأخضر للمناعة, تنظيف براز القطط في المنام للعزباء, هل تسمم الحمل يؤثر على الجنين, كيف يكون ألم الحلق عند مريض الإيدز, ماكينة قص ليزر مستعملة للبيع, حكم الاحتفال بعيد الميلاد الشعراوي, الاستثمار العقاري في ماليزيا, اصعب شعور انك تتعلق بشخص لا انت قادر تملكه, مهام مدير المدرسة الابتدائية Pdf, تفسير حلم ضياع المفتاح وايجاده للمتزوجه,

معنى كلمة period بالعربي